I am a trained and Certified Clinical Aromatherapist in Central New Jersey. I have studied and practiced Aromatherapy for over 15 years and completed so far over 900 hours of education at Aromahead Institute, The School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies, The North West School of Aromatic Medicine and various other aromatic courses. IThrough these Institutes, I have learned the chemistry and how the individual components of the essential oils may help your body to heal itself both physically and emotionally. I only use safe and pure essential oils and lotions, carrier oils, salves and butters in my blends, and customize them especially for my clients. I am still enrolled in various courses to better help my clients.
Organized and run a Facebook group called Safe Essential Oil Recipes Only! with over 12,000 members. I also run an educational Facebook group called Frankincense Resins and //Other Tree Resins.
Work with Doctors and Alternative Medicine Practitioners in helping their patients and clients manage pain and other uses with their body.
Aromatherapy Consultant for the Stein Hospice Group
I have written 3 papers on Aromatherapy and they are published in an Online very distinguished Aromatherapy Magazine called Aromaculture. One on Aromatherapy & Hospice, one on Frankincense Resins and Anxiety, and one on Aromatherapy and Hospice- my intake in the USA. I also wrote 2 articles for Aromatherapy Today, one on Frankincense Resins, one on Aromatherapy and Hospice. I also wrote a book called Frankincense Resins- The Journey and Beyond.
Aromahead Institute- Graduated as Certified Aromatherapist - February 2015
Continuing Education- Body Butter and Lotions, Natural Living & Online Component Blending Courses.
Aromatic Medicine Certification- The School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies- November 2016
Frankincense Resins and Incense Course with The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine.
Inside Aromatherapy, given by Dr Joy Bowles, PHD, BSc Hons
Graduated and Certified in Aromatic Aromatherapy with The School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies
Advanced Aromatherapy Graduate Program at Aromahead Institute.
Hydrosol Certification and Plants with Aroma Gnosis Online School
I have studied with those that are professionals in the Resin field:
Dan Riegler, Ryan Bambrick, Boswellness, Matthew Green, Mathew Guilding, Guy Erlich owner of Balm of Giliad, Avraham Sands (his Mystical Aromatherapy book was excellent) and distillers and farmers in Somililand, Africa. I work with organizations for the sustainability of Frankincense Trees in Africa.
I also do Seminars and Workshops on Safe Aromatherapy to various Libraries, Senior Centers and Adult Communities throughout central new jersey and also online.
Organized and run a Facebook group called Safe Essential Oil Recipes Only! with over 12,000 members. I also run an educational Facebook group called Frankincense Resins and //Other Tree Resins.
Work with Doctors and Alternative Medicine Practitioners in helping their patients and clients manage pain and other uses with their body.
Aromatherapy Consultant for the Stein Hospice Group
I have written 3 papers on Aromatherapy and they are published in an Online very distinguished Aromatherapy Magazine called Aromaculture. One on Aromatherapy & Hospice, one on Frankincense Resins and Anxiety, and one on Aromatherapy and Hospice- my intake in the USA. I also wrote 2 articles for Aromatherapy Today, one on Frankincense Resins, one on Aromatherapy and Hospice. I also wrote a book called Frankincense Resins- The Journey and Beyond.
Aromahead Institute- Graduated as Certified Aromatherapist - February 2015
Continuing Education- Body Butter and Lotions, Natural Living & Online Component Blending Courses.
Aromatic Medicine Certification- The School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies- November 2016
Frankincense Resins and Incense Course with The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine.
Inside Aromatherapy, given by Dr Joy Bowles, PHD, BSc Hons
Graduated and Certified in Aromatic Aromatherapy with The School for Herbal and Aromatic Studies
Advanced Aromatherapy Graduate Program at Aromahead Institute.
Hydrosol Certification and Plants with Aroma Gnosis Online School
I have studied with those that are professionals in the Resin field:
Dan Riegler, Ryan Bambrick, Boswellness, Matthew Green, Mathew Guilding, Guy Erlich owner of Balm of Giliad, Avraham Sands (his Mystical Aromatherapy book was excellent) and distillers and farmers in Somililand, Africa. I work with organizations for the sustainability of Frankincense Trees in Africa.
I also do Seminars and Workshops on Safe Aromatherapy to various Libraries, Senior Centers and Adult Communities throughout central new jersey and also online.
I am a Professional Member of NAHA (National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy) This organization is leading the industry toward making aromatherapy a readily accessible and respected holistic modality. I am also a professional member of IFPA (International Federation of Clinical Aromatherapists)
Dr Richard Levandowski, MD Princeton Sports & Family Medicine
Laura Keiles, ND, CNHP Princeton Integrated Health Care
Helen Law, PhD, LAc, DAAIM Princeton Integrated Health Care
Dr Jay Horowitz Montgomery Family Chiropractor
Sara Culang Stein Hospice Group
Beth Shalom Right At Home
Daniel Smires, PT Princeton Bone and Joint Pain Association